diumenge, 31 d’octubre del 2004

Good site for US elections

Don't miss , especially the pre-electoral report

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divendres, 22 d’octubre del 2004

IST Award

Scytl Wordl Security Online, S.A., responsible of the remote voting platform
used in Catalonia's pilot (2003) or MadridParticipa citizen's consultation,
has been awarded with IST Award.

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dimarts, 19 d’octubre del 2004

Academic session

To whom it may interest:
Next thursday, october 28 2004, Dr. Barrat and me will have an academic
session on "A legal and sociopolitical approach to e-vote" at the University
of Barcelona. Session will be held at the Faculty of Law, Seminar nº 3, from 2
to 3,30 p.m.
Hope to see you there!

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dilluns, 18 d’octubre del 2004

Why e-vote?

When we speak about e-vote it's usual to start by trying to explain why e-
vote. After several times explaining that e-vote can improve electoral
processess, reduce economic costs and other benefits a central idea is coming
to my mind again and again.

Why a significant part of countries that implement e-voting systems are not
those with highest technological development levels?

Take a look at India, Brazil or Venezuela as good examples of what I'm talking

Here's my thesis: I suggest that e-vote is used not only for technical reasons
but essentially as a mean to achieve a higher level of democratic legitimacy.
Countries with lacks on democratic legitimacy use e-vote in order to present
themselves as "technical and formally democratic", no mather if the system is
good, bad or unnecessary.

I need to develop this thesis, basically with data to support it. Comments and
suggestions are welcome.

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divendres, 15 d’octubre del 2004

A very interesting e-vote blog

I'm very glad to introduce Dr. Jordi Barrat's blog on e-voting:
http://jbarrat.blogspot.com . We're working together on e-voting topics,
within the Electronic Voting Observatory (OVE; http://www.votobit.org). Do not
miss his works on legal questions on e-vote!!!

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dijous, 14 d’octubre del 2004

El Pais

El Pais publishes a note on our work about MadridParticipa. See the Ciberpais section for more details (page 9).
Hi!!! I'm teaching politics at the University of Barcelona. Actually I'm engaged in e-vote and e-democracy, working on it at the Electronic Voting Observatory (OVE) of the University of Leon in Spain. My idea of using a blog is to share my interest on these topics and to get in touch with other people working on it.
See you around!!!