divendres, 4 d’abril del 2008

E-voting: the last electoral revolution (Just published!)

We're glad to present you our new (just published!) collective book:
E-voting: the last electoral revolution. Barcelona, ICPS, 2008. ISBN: 978-84-608-0728-5.

The book is the result of an International Workshop held in Barcelona last year and sponsored jointly by our research project and the ICPS.

              Table of contents:

            1. The development of remote electronic voting in Europe, by R. Krimmer
            2. There is more to e- than meets the eye: towards automated voting in Italy, by L. Caporusso
            3. Legal and political aspects of the Internet voting: Estonian case, by U. Madise
            4. First steps in the regulation of Internet voting in French electoral legislation, by R. Fernández & E. González
            5. Electronic voting certification procedures. Who should carry out the technical analysis?, by J. Barrat
            6. Auditing e-voting pilot processes and systems at the elections for the European Parliament and for the Portuguese Parliament, by J. Falcao et al.
            7. Is electronic voting functional?, by M.A. Presno
            8. Doubts and certainties about electronic voting, by J.M. Reniu
            To get a copy please contact the ICPS publications service HERE.

            1 comentari:

            Miquel Gil de Arespacochaga ha dit...

            Hola, sóc alumne seu de Sistema Polític Espanyol. L'altre dia hi va haver un debat a classe sobre l'espoli fiscal.

            He fet un petit article al meu bloc que potser pot interessar-li. Volia donar-li avui en mà però he arribat tard i ja no l'he vist, i ara com que hi ha el pont de per mig he pensat de deixar-li un comentari al bloc.
