dimarts, 31 de maig del 2005

Private binding election using e-vote

During 8th and 9th of june the CETIB (Col·legi d'Enginyers Tècnics Industrials de Barcelona) will elect its Directive Board by using an e-vote solution provided by Scytl.
The whole process is being monitorized by the Fundació Jaume Bofill, and Drs. Barrat and Reniu are taking part as electoral observers. I do recommend you to have a look at the CETIB's "e-democracy site" where you'll find how they modified their legal statutes to use e-vote, opinion articles, information on previous elections and a manual for using Scytl's e-voting solution.
As an interesting question, the former Directive Board states that one of their main goals is to increase turnout, by allowing their 7,000 members to cast their votes from home (what we called "pijama vote").