divendres, 30 de maig del 2008

Panel proposal for ECPR'09 (Postdam)

I'm preparing a Panel Proposal to be accepted for the Joint Sessions of the European Consortium for Political Research - (september - 2009) in Postdam. The Panel I'm planning is
"The last electoral challenge: e-voting. A compared analysis".
Initially I'm expected to sent about 5 tentative papers, assuming that all tentative paper givers will come to Postdam. No matter if your institution is or not an ECPR member.
I'd like as well to know somebody to act as a Panel Discussant, and if you're also interested in co-chairing the Papel please let me know.
I'll wait until the end of July to send our petition. Feel free to contact me at: jreniu@ub.edu

dijous, 29 de maig del 2008

Some changes...

Dear colleagues & friends,
As you surely saw our blog just changed its name and justification. To be sincere we must recognize that we placed really very few posts regarding e-democracy, in relation to the ones focusing on e-voting. In fact our academic focus is on e-voting (from a sociopolitical approach in my case and from a legal one in Barrat's jobs), so it had no sense to keep a so generalist definition of the blog.
Apart of that I also changed the justification, moving to one question a friend of us (Carlos González) used: "e-voting evangelists". Assuming that we're not fully in favor of e-voting (that's to say, "yes but with garantees"...) in fact what we do is to explore e-voting and to share with others our knowledge. Usually we have to deal with people radically against e-voting, normally without enough information, so in these situations we really start feeling some kind of "evangelist" mission.
Obviuosly it's just a funny question, not to mention that is already known our critical positions regarding the implementation of e-voting solutions, but we love to keep us placed between both general positions: in favor and againts e-voting.

dilluns, 26 de maig del 2008

VI Votobit - Buenos Aires

Unas pequeñas instantáneas del evento realizado en Buenos Aires, en el que los contenidos y los debates fueron del más alto nivel. Arriba la pancarta de bienvenida al evento en el Centro de Exposiciones de Buenos Aires, y abajo el acto de inauguración con el Ministro de Seguridad (derecha), el Jefe de Gobierno de Buenos Aires (centro) y un servidor (izquierda).
La conferencia inaugural, de Lawrence Norden, fue uno de los momentos más interesantes, en el que como puede verse estuvo seguido por un numeroso público, formado por legisladores, académicos y público en general.

dimarts, 20 de maig del 2008

Belgian Parliamentary Debate

Tomorrow the Belgian Parliament will start the debate on the future of its e-voting system. After a report developed by an academic consortium and other inputs, like the report of the Council of Europe, the Parliament has to decide whether to upgrade the current system or to implement another one.

dimecres, 14 de maig del 2008

VI Votobit

Next week (thursday and friday) Buenos Aires will host the VI edition of the VOTOBIT, our International Meeting about Electronic Voting. The Votobits have been done in Spain for three times (León 2002 & 2003, Tarragona, 2007) and twice in Mexico (Torreón, 2005 & Monterrey, 2007).

This time we count with the great cooperation from the local authorities of Buenos Aires, and the event will follow our traditional multidimensional approach: sociopolitical, legal and technical. The speakers include Lawrence Norden (Brennan Center at the NYU, USA), Mario Torre (GST, Venezuela), Maria Inés Tula (Conicet, Argentina), Alejandro González (IEPCC, Mexico), as well as different top level argentinian politicians and public servants who will discuss the pros & cons of e-voting.

Obviously we'd like to invite all of you (no fees), to share your knowledge and opinions with us in Buenos Aires.

dijous, 8 de maig del 2008

E-elección a Rector de la UPV/EHU

Las elecciones a Rector de la Universidad del País Vasco empleando el sistema Demotek se celebrarán en una sola vuelta al concurrir únicamente un candidato. La elección se realizará en los Campus de Araba-Alava, Bizkaia y Gipuzkoa por sufragio universal y voto ponderado con un censo de cerca de 55.000 electores distribuidos en cuatro Sectores universitarios: SA (Profesores-Doctores Permanentes), SB (Otro personal docente), SC (Estudiates) y SD (Personal de Administración y Servicios).
La votación electrónica tendrá lugar el 22 de mayo en 38 Colegios y 73 Mesas electorales que requerirá el uso de 96 urnas electrónicas y la confección de 350.000 papeletas.