dimecres, 31 de maig del 2006
Electronic Frontier Foundation
He encontrado esta iniciativa a favor de los "derechos digitales" que viene funcionando con cierto éxito en Estados Unidos.
Electronic Frontier Foundation.
Defending Freedom in the Digital World.
EFF is a nonprofit group of passionate people — lawyers, technologists, volunteers, and visionaries — working to protect your digital rights.
From the Internet to the iPod, technologies are transforming our society and empowering us as speakers, citizens, creators, and consumers. When our freedoms in the networked world come under attack, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is the first line of defense. EFF broke new ground when it was founded in 1990 — well before the Internet was on most people's radar — and continues to confront cutting-edge issues defending free speech, privacy, innovation, and consumer rights today. From the beginning, EFF has championed the public interest in every critical battle affecting digital rights.
dimarts, 30 de maig del 2006
International Workshop on Government, Citizens and Innovation
divendres, 26 de maig del 2006
Blogs in Campaign Communication
divendres, 19 de maig del 2006
Seminario: Gobierno y Administración Electrónica
dijous, 18 de maig del 2006
Barreras para el e-government & e-administration
Su estudio pretende identificar los obstáculos clave para obtener los beneficios potenciales del Gobierno y la Administración electrónicos par el uso de Internet y otras tecnologías electrónicas relacionadas para ofrecer servicios públicos e información. Las respuestas serán analizadas para ayudar a los responsables políticos sobre cómo el uso de Internet por los poderes públicos puede mejorar la atención de las necesidades de los ciudadanos, empresas, gobiernos y otros colectivos interesados en el ámbito de la Unión Europea. Las respuestas serán tratadas de forma estrictamente confidencial.
Para responder el cuestionario en inglés, francés, alemán o español, podéis dirigiros a: http://www.egovbarriers.org/?view=survey
dimarts, 16 de maig del 2006
Testing the capacity of ICT to support central government consultation in UK
In recent years, significant piloting of eDemocracy concepts and tools has been conducted at local government and parliamentary levels. The Department for Constitutional Affairs is responsible for developing eDemocracy capacity in central government and is currently collating intelligence to inform an eDemocracy strategy across central government.
In scoping out this strategy, the DCA has commissioned the Hansard Society to assist in piloting eDemocracy techniques and tools across central government departments as part of their communication and consultative processes.
The DCA and Hansard Society will address four main issues during the pilot project:
* How can government improve intra- and inter-departmental communications using information and communication technology?
* How can central government strengthen consultation and interaction with citizens using eDemocracy tools?
* Which eDemocracy techniques and tools are available for use by central government?
* What attitudes and confidence does the public in relation to technology-enabled interaction with the government?
To support this investigation, three web-based platforms associated with eDemocracy will be utilised:
- Weblogs
- Instant messaging
- Online deliberative forums
Government departments will be offered the opportunity to make use of one or more of these platforms in isolation from or in parallel to conventional, offline techniques.
The pilot will report in June 2006. The evaluation of this pilot exercise will help inform government policy on online consultation and participation. It will also contribute to ongoing debates about the contribution technology can make to vibrant and inclusive representative democracy.
dilluns, 15 de maig del 2006
New e-voting research group
More details
dijous, 11 de maig del 2006
Vegadeo Summer Course
More details: orion.ciencias.uniovi.es/~mesa/CursoVegadeo2006/cursoverano.htm
dimarts, 9 de maig del 2006
Italian feedback (II)
www.comune.cremona.it/Article1538.phtml (Cremona Website)
www.election.nl/bizx_html/IVS-GB/ (Nedap Website)
divendres, 5 de maig del 2006
WOTE 2006
More details: www.win.tue.nl/~berry/wote2006/
Cursos de Verano
- Durante los próximos 10 a 14 de julio se desarrollará el curso "Democracia electrónica, participación política y sociedad de la información y el conocimiento", dentro de los Juliols de la Universitat de Barcelona. El curso está codirigido por los Drs. Manuel Medina (Profesor Titular de Filosofía de la Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad de la UB) y Josep Mª Reniu (Profesor Lector de Ciencia Política y de la Administración). Tomarán parte, además de los citados, Rosa Borge (UOC), David Sancho (UPF), Andoni Alonso (U.Extremadura), Javier del Arco (Fundación Vodafone) y Jaume Gatell (Diputación de Barcelona).
- Entre los próximos 17 a 21 de julio se llevará a cabo el curso "Las nuevas tecnologías: ¿El nuevo fuego de Prometo o la vieja caja de Pandora?", dentro de los cursos de verano de la Universidad de Oviedo. el curso está codirigido poer los Drs. Miguel Angel Presno (Profesor Titular de Derecho Constituciional de la Universidad de Oviedo) y Santiago Ibáñez (Profesor Titular de Matemática Aplicada de la Universidad de Oviedo). Participan, además, Sergio Castro (Ayuntamiento de Oleiros), Rocío Fraga (Pexego Sistemas Informáticos), Javier Fdez. Teruelo (UniOviedo), Juan Salom (Guardia Civil), José Manuel Fdez. Martínez (Trisquel Media), Jesús Mª Rguez. Presedo (USC), Aurelio Junquera (Vegadeo), Ignacio Villaverde (UniOviedo), Lorenzo Cotino (UV) y Juan Antonio García Amado (Unileón).
dijous, 4 de maig del 2006
International Sunbelt Social Network Conference in Vancouver
Susan Herring herring@indiana.edu SLIS, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN USA
Benjamin Clark, Inna Kouper, John Paolillo SLIS, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN USA
Irene Ramos-Vielba Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN USA
Lois Ann Scheidt, Sharon Stoerger, Elijah Wright
In the past few years, social network analysis has been used to analyze patterns of linking among weblogs (e.g., Herring, et al., 2005), including within large, self-contained blog hosting communities such as LiveJournal (Paolillo & Wright, 2005). A shared language is a sine qua non for meaningful interconnection. Yet although the growth of blogging has resulted in an increase in the number of languages in which people blog, no study has yet considered language in relation to weblog networks. In this paper, we analyze the linguistic diversity of LiveJournal by randomly sampling journals and coding them for language use. For three of the most commonly-found non-English languages—Russian, Portuguese, and Japanese—we crawl the 'friends' links of 30 source journals, coding the languages used in these, and visualizing the resultant networks. Preliminary analysis suggests that, with the exception of Russian, non-English LiveJournals comprise a small minority, and that the three languages analyzed display differing degrees of network density and homogeneity, with Russian being the most homogeneous, followed by Portuguese and then Japanese. We interpret these findings by identifying a set of technical, individual, and societal factors that may predict language choice and cross-journal linking on LiveJournal.
On-Line Communities B
blogs , linquistics , internet , on-line communities , online communication behavior , visualization , language choice , network mapping
(*) The International Sunbelt Social Network Conference is a major forum for social scientists, mathematicians, computer scientists, ethnologists, and others to present current work in the area of social networks. It provides an opportunity for individuals interested in theory, methods, or applications of social networks to share ideas and common concerns.
dimecres, 3 de maig del 2006
2006--year of the blog
Author: Bowman, John
Source: Policy Options/Options Politiques, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 88-90, March 2006
Descriptors: Weblogs -- Political uses; Canada -- Government and politics -- Public opinion; Elections -- Canada
Abstract: The 2006 campaign marked the emergence of blogging as part of the political game in Canada. Bloggers abounded-- professional bloggers like Paul Wells and Andrew Coyne, amateur bloggers with exotic names, bloggers who sought fame and bloggers who insisted on anonymity. Anybody with a Web site can now be a pundit. Bloggers broke some significant stories, even if their facts were sometimes in need of further checking. Bloggers outed Mike Klander after he took down insulting comments from his own juvenile blog, resulting in another really bad day for Paul Martin's Liberals. Bloggers conducted reality checks, formerly the domain of campaign war rooms and newsrooms. John Bowman, who wrote the blog report for the CBC News Online election Web site, assesses their role and their impact on the campaign.
The importance of a (conscious) null vote
dimarts, 2 de maig del 2006
El vot nul polític d'Esquerra
Malgrat les lamentables i sorprenents declaracions d'alguns líders socialistes (De Madre) assenyalant que aquesta opció va en contra de les conquestes democràtiques assolides col·lectivament en les darreres dècades, cal preguntar-se, en relació al vot electrònic, si les plataformes tecnològiques que les empreses ofereixen estarien en disposició d'introduir propostes com la d'Esquerra.
Segurament és possible si es fa un cert esforç tècnic, però cal pensar-hi i sobre tot cal esmerçar-hi temps i esforços. No val però mantindre l'absència de l'opció de vot nul i fins i tot defensar-ho dient que evita els errors dels votants. Casos com el d'Esquerra, o d'altres ben propers com les darreres eleccions municipals basques, demostren que ens trobem amb un aspecte molt millorable dels actuals sistemes electrònics de vot.